Both paracolic spaces are in continuity with the pelvic peritoneal spaces.
Left paracolic gutter peritoneum.
A less obvious medial paracolic gutter may be formed especially on the right side if the colon possesses a short mesentery for part of its length.
The main paracolic gutter lies lateral to the colon on each side.
Similar to its right counterpart the paracolic gutter originates from the left hepatic flexure or the meet point of the transverse and descending colon and runs downward to empty into the pelvic region or abdominal wall.
Women may present with rapid onset of sharp right upper quadrant pain and tenderness.
The first step is to pass a nasogastric tube and empty the stomach to reduce further contamination of the peritoneal cavity.
The left paracolic gutter is a component of the left inframesocolic space partially separated from the left subphrenic spaces by the phrenicocolic ligament.
This condition is defined as inflammation of the peritoneal capsule of the liver and is believed to result from peritoneal spread of pelvic infection along the right paracolic gutter.
The main paracolic gutter lies lateral to the colon on each side.
The left medial paracolic gutter.
The paracolic spaces gutters are located lateral to the peritoneal reflections of the left and right sides of the colon fig 8a.
The right and left paracolic plaque is the peritoneal niche of the posterior abdominal wall located alongside the ascending and descending colon.
The left lateral paracolic gutter.
The left lateral paracolic gutter is on the left side of the abdominal cavity between the outer wall of the descending colon and posterior abdominal wall.
Drainage of paracolic gutter.
On the left its cephalad extent is limited by the phrenicocolic ligament.
The right paracolic gutter is larger than the left and communicates freely with the right subphrenic space.
This is discussed more fully in chapter 108.
But when a left lateral decubitus projection is included a pneumoperitoneum is demonstrated in nearly 90 of cases.
At the distal end it continues up to the caecum or terminal ileum i e the junction between the caecum and ileum.
It is smaller than the right paracolic gutter.
The left medial paracolic gutter.
The right paracolic gutter is continuous with the perisplenic space or area around the spleen.
The main paracol parasol is located on the lateral colon on each side.
Paracolic gutters refer to open areas between the wall of the abdomen and the colon.
Fluid in the right paracolic gutter which structure represents the main communication between the upper and lower abdominal compartments reaches morison s pouch and subsequently the right subphrenic space.
The left gutter runs between the descending colon and the abdominal wall and just like the right gutter empties into the lower abdomen and pelvic area.