Over the years this torching can crumble and break normally falling with a thud on the floor of the roof space during the middle of the night.
Lime mortar roofing.
The procedure of lime terracing varies from place to place.
The joints should be negative shaped not exceeding 25 mm at the top and 10mm at the bottom.
Lime mortar lime mortar or plaster was made by extracting stone from a limestone quarry lime works which was then processed into a lime kiln in order to be rendered into a malleable form quick lime.
Complies with astm c2078.
The one adopted for jodhpur stone slab roofing is described below is steps.
Good buildings come from good people and all problems are solved by good design stephen gardiner a brief introduction to lime mortar in ancient days lime mortar in building construction was essential various grand buildings and structures were built by using this precious construction material.
Complies with astm c926.
Hydrated lime can be mixed with portland cement and other ingredients to make mortar mix and base coat stucco.
The longitudinal joints between the stone slabs are first pointed in cement mortar.
In the days before roofing felt torching or lime mortar was used on the underside of tiles or slates to keep them in place and to prevent strong winds from getting under the tiles and lifting them.
In the mid 19th century natural cementswere being added for increased compressive strength.
Early lime mortarswere composed of mostly lime and sand sometimes with other additives resulting in a soft mortar low strength that was also slow curing.