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Line load surcharge retaining wall sheet.
Struts or braces may be specified at any height s of the wall.
This surcharge shall apply as a rectangular distribution to the full height of shoring.
Retaining wall design example with surcharge load.
Height to resultant hr line load surcharge resultant rl overturning moment from point load ml.
Surcharge location is 0 feet from shoring retaining wall height of retaining wall shoring is 10 feet traffic surcharge 𝑞 𝛾 𝑃 𝐻𝑒𝑞 30 pcf given in this example x 3 5 ft from table 1 105 psf.
The stiffness of these elements can be modeled as linear elastic springs or fully nonlinear springs.
Additional surcharge loads may be specified in the back side of the wall.
Wall from earth pressure surcharge load water earthquake etc.
The live load surcharge is positioned to produce the maximum design load.
It can be either dead loads for example sloping backfill above the wall height or live load which could result from the highway or parking lot paving or adjacent footing.
Area load point load line load and or strip load.
Surcharge loads acting on retaining walls are additional vertical loads that used to the backfill soil above the top of the wall.
Prior to completing any retaining wall design it is first necessary to calculate the forces acting on the wall.
Surcharge load on plan surcharge 10 0 kn m2 applied vertical dead load on wall wdead 85 6 kn m applied vertical live load on wall wlive 3 8 kn m position of applied vertical load on wall.
Four types of surcharge loads can be specified.
Vertical line load behind wall l lb ft or n m height of retaining wall h ft or m horizontal distance from wall to line load d ft or m output.
In this example the surcharge from a 10kn m line load located just outside the area of influence could contribute and extra 113 to the load on the shoring frame.
Loads and forces acting on retaining wall and their calculations the next step is to enter the loads on the wall as defined above.
However this isnt the case if the retaining wall is.
The wall could be a basement wall retaining wall earth support system such as sheet piling or soldier pile and lagging etc.
The earth pressure is acting.