Marbled salamander distribution map chemical and pollution control energy and climate lands and waters education permits licenses and registrations public involvement and news regulations and enforcement about dec.
Marbled salamander ny.
It is ab sent from penin su lar florida.
Contact for this page nysdec bureau of wildlife 625 broadway albany ny 12233 4754 518 402 8883 send us an email this page covers.
Marbled salamanders are found in the eastern united states from southern new england to northern florida and west to illinois and texas.
Marbled salamanders occur only in the extreme southeastern part of new york.
It is unlawful for any person to take or have in possession any nongame mammal or bird unless that person has a collection license or is collecting fewer than 5 reptiles or fewer than 25 amphibians that are not endangered threatened or special concerned species.
This species is considered relatively common except on eastern long island and in lower westchester county where habitat fragmentation and urbanization have reduced populations.
Ge o graphic range am bystoma opacum the mar bled sala man der is found through out most of the east ern united states from mass a chu setts west to cen tral illi nois south east ern mis souri and ok la homa and east ern texas south to the gulf of mex ico and the car olina coast.
Their habitats are damp woodlands forests and places with soft and wet soil.
Pdf help for help with pdfs on this page please call 518 402 8883.
Vernal pools are small depressions in the landscape that fill with water for only part of a growing season typically in the spring and early summer.
They have been found as far north as new hampshire though only two sightings have been reported there.
Marbled salamander blue spotted salamander eastern tiger salamander green salamander eastern hellbender northern dusky salamander seal salamander allegheny mountain dusky salamander northern two lined.
The marbled salamander is classified as a nongame species with no open season.
Marbled salamanders are distributed across the eastern us from new hampshire to northern florida and west to lake michigan in the north and texas in the south.
Neparc 2010 lists 2.